"The North Branch Reformed Church has been our parent church and champion in every step of Liberti Collingswood's young life! From their passion for church planting, consistent support (prayer, financial, otherwise), and boundless enthusiasm for the growth of God's kingdom, we would not have launched worship two years ago without their ongoing support."
Church Planting

We believe that God has called our church to reach out to our neighboring communities to support new churches. We do this because church planting is the most effective way for churches to do evangelism. So far we have helped several church plants both financially and voluntarily.
Please pray for God's leading in this exciting adventure in evangelism!

Centro Cristiano Palabra
Centro Cristiano Palabra de Fe in Reading, PA organized in 2017. It is pastored by Commissioned Pastor Carlos Lugo. Connect with them at CentroCristianoPA.org.
Liberti Collingswood
Liberti Collingswood organized in 2020. Jim Angehr and Eric Mitchell leads this 140 folk strong church in Collingswood, NJ. connect with them at www.LibertiCollingswood.org.
Other Church Plants NBRC Supports:
- City Church of Fairmount
- Long Branch