"All of my kids have participated in Worship Kidz (formerly Joyful Noise) over the years! They always look forward to practices with their friends and performing. They have learned a lot about music​ and it has given them the confidence to perform in front of a large group"
~ Rita D.

Worship Kidz

The Worship Kidz is our children's performance group for age four through second grade. The Worship Kids perform regularly, usually once a month, for Sunday services. The group dances, moves and sings with music. Open to all children in this age group.

Rehearses Wednesdays 5:00 - 5:30 PM, September through May.

Worship Kidz Leadership Team:

If you would like your child to sing in the Worship Kidz, please e-mail our Director of Music and Worship Arts Linda Collins or call (908)725-2313, ext 3.