
Bicentennial Events

The whole community is welcome to every event this year. We would love for you to invite your friends and neighbors.

Sunday, January 5 at 4:00 pm - Ring in the Bicentennial Year Concert

Join us for a kickoff to the Bicentennial Year with a beautiful short concert by our own praise band, North Song. During this performance we will be filming in order to make a short video/commercial about NBRC’s music programs. We need you to help us fill the pews for this amazing event. We will end the concert with ringing the bells 200 times to "Ring in the New Bicentennial Year".

Saturday, February 8 at 1:00 pm - Vow Renewal

Would you like to renew your wedding vows? We are having a mini wedding renewal ceremony and reception at NBRC. If you are interested in being a part of this amazing day, please email Jenn Landrieu at ppresschoool@nnbrcc.coom. This event will have some limitations. Sign-up is mandatory for planning purposes.

Saturday, March 22 at 2:00 pm - Family Feud Game Show

Our Youth Program will be hosting a Family Feud Game Show. Please come be our audience. If you are interested in becoming a contestant family, please reach out to CChriis.RRyann@nnbrcc.coom We welcome all to be a part of the amazing audience. Prizes and giveaways will be awarded.

Sunday, April 6 at 9:30am - Bicentennial Quilt Presentation

Members of NBRC have made a beautiful quilt to commemorate our 200th anniversary. This quilt will be presented to NBRC during church service on this date. Please come to see the wonderful piece that was created.

Friday, April 11 at 7:00pm - Wiedensahl Handbell Choir Concert

Please join us for an amazing handbell concert put on by Weidensahl Handbell Choir. This choir was founded by Milton Rodgers, a former music director at NBRC. We are also seeking families that would like to host one or more choir members in their home for Friday night. Please email nnicollepyooung@vveriizonn.neet if you would be willing to host. NBRC will be feeding them for dinner Friday and breakfast on Saturday. If you are interested in being a part of this team we would love some additional help.

Monday, May 26 at 9:30am - Neshanic Memorial Day Parade

Join NBRC in the Neshanic Memorial Day Parade. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the Bicentennial and let the community see our amazing Bicentennial Float. If you would be interested in helping to construct a float for the parade, please reach out to Dennis at mmcgaale006@ggmaiil.ccom. Children/youth welcome and encouraged!

Sunday, June 1 at 10:45 - Ice Cream Party and Games on the Lawn

Immediately following service, we will have an ice cream party and games on the lawn. If the weather does not cooperate, we will move it indoors. This will be our end to Sunday School and our start to Summer! If you would like to be a part of planning this day, please reach out to Robin at rrjcaasuccci@ggmaiil.ccom.

Saturday, July 12 all day - Bocce Ball Tournament

Sign up and join us for a Bocce Ball Tournament at Rolling Knolls Park in Bridgewater, NJ. No experience necessary. Equipment will be provided. Prizes will be awarded! If you are interested in participating or organizing, please email Beverly at pphilllylovve56@ggmaiil.ccom.

Thursday, August 21 at 7:30pm - Movie Night

Join us for an outdoor big screen movie night on the NBRC lawn. Movie to be determined.

Wednesday, September 10 at 7:30pm - Candlelight Bicentennial Prayer Service

September 10, 1825, was the actual date that NBRC had its first church service. We would like to honor this date in time with a short prayer service. Please join us for this special event.

Sunday, September 14 at 9:30am - Special Bicentennial Church Service

Join us for a special Sunday church service honoring our Bicentennial! A special coffee hour will follow service. All former pastors are being invited! We will also be showing the amazing Bicentennial Documentary that was created for this day. Plan to stay after service. You are not going to want to miss this!

Saturday, October 25 at 3:00pm - Halloween Party and Haunted Hayride to the Cemetery

Join us for Our Annual Halloween Party. Come in costume, play some games and carve a pumpkin. You will also have the opportunity this year to take a hayride to the cemetery to learn about its history. You will have the option of a daylight ride or a nighttime ride. If you have any interest in helping with this event, please reach out to Robin at rrjcaasuccci@ggmaiil.ccom.

Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00pm - Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

Join us in a celebration of traditions as we celebrate our annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving in combination with Temple Beth-El and St. Bernards Roman Catholic Church. Enjoy beautiful music when all three congregations come together.

Sunday, December 21 at 4:30pm - Live Nativity

Join us in celebration of Jesus’ birth with a live nativity including real animals, a children’s sermon, hot chocolate, and children’s music. This event is located outside, so please dress appropriately.

Sunday, December 28 at 4:00pm - Ringing Out 2025

We give thanks for our full year of Bicentennial Events and Fellowship with our community. Join us for one last celebration including Hot Chocolate and sweet treats as we ring the bells 200 times one more time. Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped make this year amazing. This event is planned to be outside, please dress appropriately.