"Overflowing with God’s blessings, our hearts and hands reach out to the world"

Who We Are

If you would like to know more about our church and its ministry, or if you have questions on your mind, please feel free to call on us. You will find us to be a concerned and caring group of people.

Learn more about the Reformed Church in America at www.rca.org.

We believe that God created a good world, but humanity corrupted it through selfishness. Our loving God was not content to let the universe spin out of control, so God created a people to redeem it. When God's people stumbled in the reclamation project, God sent Jesus to save us through his life, death and resurrection. Since Jesus left, he fills the church with his Holy Spirit that empowers us to worship and serve. North Branch exists to make central Jersey a better place for God's glory. One day this Holy Trinity will renew all of creation when Jesus returns.

North Branch believes in the ecumenical creeds (Apostle's, Nicean and Athanasian), and holds to the Reformed Standards (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordt).